Blogger Award


Liebster is a German word meaning dearest. And in this case, a dearest blog. The Liebster Award is a nice thought–a pass of love to remind people of the reason why they started their little project in the first place. Thank you Middlemay Farm for the opportunity to push it forward. So, in a rare effort to play by the rules–here goes.

Eleven Facts About Myself: 

1. Want to drop anchor in New York more than most would consider normal.
2. Obsessed with pictures/words/art/ideas/music about the sea.
3. Hate animals. They smell and make me ill. Sorry I’m not sorry, PETA.
4. Laundry is for goddesses who have their life together–I am not one of them.
5. Have traveled all over Europe–but never to the west coast of my own country.
6. Used to believe that I could change the world all by myself.
7. Spaghetti gives me the creeps.
8. Gave my television to my neighbors and still have the cable box in my closet.
9. Can never get the words out of my head the way I think they should sound out loud.
10. I don’t believe in matching clothes.
11. Currently reading Catch-22 for the first time. Oops.

1. Who’s your favorite fictional character? Amber, from The Accidental by Ali Smith.

2. Did you like high school?  That’s funny.

3. Are you for or against human cloning? I watched Family Matters and liked it in the 1990s. Does that count?

4. Were you ever bitten by a dog? My little brother used to bite me. A lot.

5. Would you travel back or forward in time? Forward. Backwards is impossible–technically speaking.

6. Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show? I don’t have a TV anymore. But, I used to watch a lot of Judge Judy in college.

7. Are you lactose intolerant? Nope. Thank god.

8. If you had to eat a baby or an old person in a starvation situation which would you choose and why? Did Jonathan Swift put you up to this?

Questions for Nominees

  1. Where did you have your first kiss?
  2. If you were abducted by aliens how would you decorate your new space house?
  3. If you had to choose between courage and loyalty, which characteristic would you possess?
  4. Do you like yogurt?
  5. What is the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to you?
  6. What is your go-to bottle of wine?
  7. What are your thoughts on Tuesdays?
  8. Would you rather take a bath or a shower?
  9. What song can you never get out of your head?
  10. What would you quit your day-job to do if money were not a factor?
  11. Are roller coasters your idea of fun?



• Post eleven facts about yourself.

• Answer the questions posted by your nominator.

• Pass the award on to eleven new recipients.

• Pose eleven new questions to your recipients.

• Post a copy of the badge on your blog (type “Liebster Award” into Google images; you’ll find plenty to choose from). Notify nominees and include links to the originating blog, as well as the new recipients.


  1. Stefano

    C, thank you so much for your very kind nomination: much appreciated! 🙂
    On the other hand, it will not come as a surprise to you that item #7 of your “quick facts” has been kind of a stab in my back 😉
    Take care

    • winebbler

      Sorry Stefano…after years of childhood weekly spaghetti night, it started looking like worms. No offense intended. As always, I appreciate your support! Looking forward to reading your response to my questions! Best, C.

    • winebbler

      Loving it, at the moment. It’s my dad’s favorite, as well. Thanks for keeping up with my blog–looking forward to reading your Liebster post. Bis, C. xx

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